Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Our Purpose
“To furnish our congregations with enlightened, humble, zealous, laborious pastors, who shall truly watch for the good of souls, and consider it their highest honour and happiness to win them to the Saviour.”
We are
Biblically Grounded
Our training program is extensive, with years of study in both Greek and Hebrew as well as the background, content, and doctrines of the scriptures. We desire the whole counsel of the Word of God to be preeminent in the future ministries of our students.
We are
Pastorally Focused
Most seminaries focus on many things. We are laser-focused on one thing. All our classes in the divinity curriculum are aimed at training men to serve the church by being faithful preachers and shepherds. We pray our students will grow to be more like our Lord Jesus Christ in heart, character, and ministry.
We are
Confessionally Faithful
The Westminster Standards, the doctrinal commitments of the denomination from which we were founded, are the basis and measure of our theological instruction. We are transparent in our commitment. Every trustee and instructor publicly commits to the Westminster Standards. Every year. Without exception.
Seminary requires sacrifice and commitment, but it’s worth it. The calling of a pastor is a high and sacred one. Pastors serve as ambassadors for Christ and proclaim eternal truths. Training that cuts corners or makes minimal demands is not well suited to the needs of the church or the call of Jesus Christ.

our focus
We Train Pastors.
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